
地方口碑存在性与基于时间变化性研究 被引量:1

Study on Existence and Variation with Time of Region s Word of Mouth
摘要 地方口碑可以解释为大多数人口头上对某地方的称颂或者批判,不同地方的口碑确实存在显著差异,并且地方口碑不是一成不变的,会随着时间的推移发生改变。此外,地方口碑可能会影响到该地方的经济建设,各个地方应努力营造好的地方口碑。 Region's word of mouth is generally known as the praise or criticism of a region by most of people. It is significantly disparate in different regions and always changes as time goes on, rather than invariable. Possibly, a region's word of mouth has an impact on its economic construction, so every region must create positive word of mouth of itself.
出处 《企业活力》 2012年第10期16-21,共6页 Enterprise Vitality
基金 国家教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"中国消费者对同一品牌国产与进口产品认知差异及原因分析"(编号:11YJC630271)的阶段性成果
关键词 地方 口碑 存在性 时间变化 region word of mouth existence time changes
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