Oncology Progress
1Elisabeth Rouits, Miche'le Boisdron-Cellc, Agne's Du- mont, et al. Relevance of Different UGT1A1 Polymor- phisms in Irinotecan-Induced Toxicity: A Molecular and Clinical Study of 75 Patients [ J ]. Clinical Cancer Re- search, 2004, 10 (15):5151 -5159.
2Leslie E. Carlini, Neal J. Meropol, John Bever, et al. UGT1A7 and UGT1A9 Polymorphisms Predict Response and Toxicity in Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated with Capeeitabine/Irinotecan [ J]. Clinical Cancer Research, 2005, 11 (3):1226-1236.
3Hoskins J M, Goldberg R M, Qu P, et al. UGT1A1 * 28 genotype and irinotecan-induced neutropenia: dose matters [J]. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2007, 99 (17): 1290 - 1295.
4Darren J. Burgess, Jason Doles, Lars Zender, et al. Topoi- somerase levels determine chemotherapy response in vitro and in vivo [J]. PNAS, 2008, 105 (26):9053 -9058.
5Michael S. Braun, Susan D. Richman, Philip Quirke, et al. Predictive Biomarkers of Chemotherapy Efficacy in Colorectal Cancer: Results From the UK MRC FOCUS Tri- al [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2008, 26 (16):2690-2698.
6Boonsong A, Curran S, McKay JA, et al. Topoisomerase I protein expression in primary colorectal cancer and lymph node metastases [J]. Hum Pathd, 2332, 33 (1U:ll14-1n9.
7Koopman M, Knijn N, Richman S, et al. The correlation between topoisomerase-I ( Topol ) expression and outcome of treatment with capecitabine and irinotecan in advanced colorectal cancer ( ACC ) patients ( pts ) treated in the CAIRO study of the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group ( DC-CG) [J]. EurJCancer, 2009, 7: 321.
8Zhang YW, Regairaz M, Seiler JA, et al. Poly ( ADP-ri- bose) polymerase and XPF-ERCC1 participate in distinct pathways for the repair of topoisomerase I-induced DNA damage in mammalian cells [ J ]. Nucleic Acids Res, 2011, 39 (9): 3607 -3620.
9Hoskins JM, Marcuello E, Ahes A, et al. Irinotecan phar- macogenetics : influence of pharmacodynamic genes [ J ]. Clin Cancer Res, 2008, 14 (6): 1788 - 1796.
10Higinio Dopeso, Silvia Mateo-Lozano, Elena Elez, et al. Aprataxin Tumor Levels Predict Response of Colorectal Cancer Patients to Irinotecan-based Treatment [ J]. Clin Cancer Res, 2010, 16 (8) : 2375 - 2382.
1李利亚,贾立群,李学,万冬桂,李菲,李佩文.伊立替康联合5-Fu/CF治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床受益分析[J].中国癌症杂志,2006,16(1):49-51. 被引量:7
2刘玮炜,赵跃强,许瑞波,唐丽娟,吴争鸣.抗肿瘤新药伊立替康的合成和应用进展[J].淮海工学院学报(自然科学版),2005,14(4):42-45. 被引量:7
3孙祎,于振涛,胡晓文,丁俊杰.伊立替康不良反应及其临床干预进展[J].中国药房,2007,18(35):2781-2783. 被引量:13
4Ghilarov DA,Shkundina IS.DNA topoisomerases and their functions in a cell[J].Mol Biol(Mosk),2012,46(1):52-63.
5PommierY,LeoE,ZhangH,et al. DNA topoisomerases and their poisoning by antic-ancer and antibacterial drugs[J]. ChemBiol, 2010,17(5): 421-433.
6陈功,万德森.基于循证医学依据的结肠癌辅助化疗[J].中国癌症杂志,2009,19(1):65-73. 被引量:14
7任镜清,周志伟,陈功,卢震海,陆献瑜,潘志忠,万德森.血管侵犯与结肠癌术后复发转移的相关性[J].广东医学,2009,30(8):1130-1133. 被引量:4
8Folprecht G,Seymour MT,Saltz L,陈开运,汪谦.伊立替康联合氟尿嘧啶一线治疗老年/年轻转移性结直肠癌患者:一组2691例的随机对照分析[J].中华普通外科学文献(电子版),2009,3(6):58-62. 被引量:1
9张桓.外科学总论教学方法改革初探[J].现代中西医结合杂志,2010,19(5):646-647. 被引量:3
10石凯.伊立替康治疗晚期大肠癌临床研究进展[J].中国医药导报,2010,7(28):11-12. 被引量:4
1许少鸿,朱光建,陈智翔,刘吉章.CPT-11联合5-FU/CF辅助治疗高危Ⅱ期结直肠癌根治术后患者32例疗效观察[J].海南医学,2015,26(4):558-559. 被引量:2
2李梦颖,余飞,侯冰雪,肖倩,叶黎文,刘可,李鹏,陈琴华.10-羟基喜树碱及其衍生物对肝癌细胞HepG2抑制作用的研究[J].中医药导报,2015,21(11):34-35. 被引量:3
2侯生槐.低位直肠癌术前单纯化疗及放化疗联合干预对保肛率、免疫功能的影响[J].中国实用医刊,2016,43(21):49-51. 被引量:1
3郑述建,宋霖,陈伟,严成.FOLFOX4新辅助化疗方案在局限性低位直肠癌患者行肿瘤根治术前的应用效果[J].临床合理用药杂志,2017,10(15):28-30. 被引量:1
4姜玉峰,马容基,李佳洁,陈琳,许雅,马斌,吕海龙.羟基喜树碱对细粒棘球蚴原头节的生长抑制作用及其机制[J].中国病原生物学杂志,2019,14(10):1155-1159. 被引量:2
1钱晓萍,刘宝瑞.非小细胞肺癌个体化疗-提高化疗疗效现实之路[J].现代肿瘤医学,2008,16(10):1823-1826. 被引量:1
2周鑫,揭志刚.胃癌个体化化疗[J].江西医学院学报,2009,49(4):132-134. 被引量:4
4邹青峰,楮忠华,马磊,李志彪,李卫东,陈文晟,金川,吴迪.肺癌体外药敏试验与临床疗效之间的关系[J].广州医药,2006,37(1):24-27. 被引量:3
7李小民,蒋芹,谢晓东,刘淑华.MTT法测定癌细胞对抗癌药物敏感性的实验研究[J].四川肿瘤防治,2000,13(3):145-147. 被引量:7
8洪本英,杨勇,赵朝辉.MTT体外药敏试验在指导恶性肿瘤化疗中的作用[J].咸宁医学院学报,2001,15(3):190-191. 被引量:1
9刘凤枝.多药耐药基因在肺癌中的表达及临床意义[J].医药论坛杂志,2004,25(8):13-14. 被引量:2
10张银霞,于兰,吕同德.肿瘤药敏试验方法及临床应用[J].医学综述,2003,9(1):34-35. 被引量:5