
中间弱层对层合板性能影响分析 被引量:2

Effect of weak middle layer on the performance of laminated plates
摘要 对于夹胶玻璃等结构,由于中间胶层很弱,层合板结构的层间剪切效应占主导地位。此时经典层合板理论以及整体高阶剪切位移场理论所预测的结果可能导致很大的实际误差,应采用更加精细的力学模型来分析弱层的效应。本文建立了分层位移场假设下的浅柱面层合板静力计算模型以及自振周期计算模型,并同经典层合板理论计算结果对比,分析了中间层的剪切模量、弹性模量、层合板曲率半径对层间剪切效应的影响。计算结果表明:中间层的剪切模量对层合板的受力性能有着决定性的影响,相对来说中间层的弹性模量对层合板性能的影响不太显著;当中间层与面层的剪切模量比值小于0.2时,随着中间层剪切模量的减小,两个模型的计算误差急剧增大。 Because of the weak glue in the middle of laminated plates such as glass-glue-glass windshield,the interlaminar shear response plays a great role in the performance of laminate plates.Thus,the classic laminate theory and the whole displacement field theory of high-order shearing of laminates are not suitable for such problems.Based on the piecewise linear displacement field theory,the calculation models of static analysis and self-vibration frequency for the laminate of shallow cylinder shell are set up.Compared with the results from classic theory,the calculation results obtained prove that the curvature of cylinder,the shearing modulus and elastic modulus of the material of the middle layer,play important role in the performance of laminated plates.The results also indicate that the shearing modulus of the middle layer plays by far more important role in the performance of the laminated glass.Especially,when the shearing modulus of the middle layer to that of the surface layer is less than 0.2,the calculation error based on these two models will sharply increase,with the decrease of the shearing modulus of the middle layer.
出处 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期487-493,623,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
关键词 层合板 层间剪切 夹胶玻璃 分段线性 中间弱层 laminate,interlaminar shear,glass-sub-glass,piecewise linear,weak middle layer
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