
喉癌和癌旁组织的端粒酶活性检测 被引量:1

Telomerase activity in laryngeal carcinoma and the tumor-adjacent tissues
摘要 目的:探索端粒酶活性与喉癌发生发展的关系。方法:采用重复序列扩增法(TRAP-PCR)检测56例手术切除的喉癌组织和癌旁粘膜组织的端粒酶活性。喉癌组织均经病理证实,喉癌旁粘膜组织中有正常喉粘膜41例,轻度不典型增生15例。结果:喉癌组织端粒酶活性阳性率为91.07%(51/56),正常喉粘膜和轻度不典型增生喉粘膜的阳性率分别为9.76%(4/41)和33.33%(5/15),喉癌组织和癌旁粘膜组织中端粒酶活性阳性率有显著差异(P<0.01)。癌旁上皮端粒酶活性阳性的9例患者其喉癌组织端粒酶活性皆为阳性。结论:端粒酶激活与喉癌的发生发展有密切关系,并可作为喉癌分子诊断的肿瘤标记物。 Objective:To investigate the possible relationship between telomerase expression and progression of laryngeal carcinoma. Methods:Fifty-six laryngeal carcinoma and 56 corresponding tumor adjacent epithelium specimens were measured by means of a telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay for telomerase activity. All the cancer tissues were pathologically confirmed. Forty-one cases of normal laryngeal epithelium and 15 mild dysplasia constituted the tumor adjacent specimens. Results: The positive expression rate of telomerase in laryngeal cancer,mile dysplasia and normal epithelium tissues was 91.07%, 33. 33% and 9. 76%,respectively. A difference of statistical significance was found between the expression rate of the cancer and that of the near by epithelium (P<0.01). Positive expression was also found in the cancer tissues of these 9 cases,which showed positive results in the tumor adjacent tissues. Conclusions:Telomerase expression likely contributed to the progression of laryngeal carcinoma and might be a tumor marker of laryngeal carcinoma. Further study is needed to evaluate prognostic value of telomerase activity in laryngeal carcinoma.
出处 《耳鼻咽喉(头颈外科)》 2000年第3期175-178,共4页 Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg
关键词 喉肿瘤 免疫酶技术 端粒酶 活性检测 Laryngeal neoplasms Carcinoma Immunoenzyme technics
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