对 FDY生产装置中的溢流油剂的性能和处理方法进行了研究 ,结果表明 :FDY溢流油剂的有效组成和性能与新配制油剂基本一致。经处理后的 FDY溢流油剂可用于 FDY装置的生产 。
The properties of overflowed FDY spin finishes, such as component of spin finish, active content, Refractive Index, anti bacteria properties, and also the treatment method of the spin finishes were studied in this paper. The results revealed that the overflowed FDY spin finishes had the same properties as the the FDY spin finishes. The ocerflowed FDY spin finishes could be re used in FDY production.
Synthetic Technology & Application