锅炉炉膛及烟气系统防爆设计压力尤其是最大设计负压的取值,对锅炉及烟风系统的设计、燃煤机组运行的安全性和经济性都有重要影响,但目前防爆设计规范中有关的规定存在着明显不足。通过对锅炉主燃料跳闸(main fuel trip,MFT)动态特性和引风机匹配特性分析,论证了按NFPA规范对炉膛瞬态设计负压绝对值通常不必超过8.7kPa的合理性,并推导得到了对烟气系统防爆设计负压的计算方法和安全性评估法则,为规范炉膛及烟道设计压力的标准提供参考。
The value standards of design explosion-proof pressure especially of maximum design negative pressure have important influence on the design of boiler and flue gas system, the safety and economy of coal-fired units. But at present there are some obvious deficiencies in the explosion-proof design specification. The paper demonstrated the reasonability that the absolute value of transient design negative pressure recommended in NFPA for boiler furnace should not exceed 8. 7 kPa in general, based on the analysis of main fuel trip (MFT) dynamic characteristics and induced draft fan matching characteristic. Finally, the calculation method of design explosion-proof negative pressure and safety assessment rule were suggested for flue gas system, which could orovide references for the standard reeulation of design nressure in furnace and flue ~as system.
Electric Power Construction