
他者镜像:汉族作家的台湾少数民族书写 被引量:1

He Who Mirrors:The Taiwan Minority Writings by Han Writers
摘要 日本殖民者编造、改写吴凤和莎秧(Sayon)故事以宣扬"文明"感化"野蛮"和"皇民化",为其殖民统治服务,而汉族作家陈大禹两次创作吴凤题材剧本,或影射抨击官僚压迫,或呼唤民族团结。日据末期吴漫沙小说《莎秧之钟》,表面上呼应了"国策",其实仍可见某种面从腹背的隐衷。战后张深切等有关"雾社事件"的著作揭露殖民当局的凶残毒辣和抗日族人的英勇刚烈,近年来邓相扬更刻画了花冈一郎等以死来向本族尽忠、向日人谢罪的矛盾人物,叙写了数十年来异族通婚家庭后代的身份迷茫、精神创伤和悲剧命运。陈映真等在书写"他者"的同时反观自我,省思自己的缺失,而这有助于促进族群的和谐。 For the purpose of their colonial rule the Japanese colonialists fabricated and rewrote the stories of Wu Feng and Sha Yang (Sayon) so as to publicize the "civilized" probation of the "barbaric" and kominka, while Chen Dayu, the Chinese Han writer, created the subject matter of Wu Feng's play twice to insinuate and criticize their bureaucratic oppression and called for our national unity. The novel "The Bell of Sa Yang" written by Wu Mansha in the late time of Japanese occupation seemed to echo the "national policy", but in fact there were some kinds of feelings or troubles that he wished to keep to himself. Some writings about the "Wu She Incident" by Zhang Shenqie and others after the war exposes the cruelty and barbarity of the coloni- al authorities, and at the same time, shows the unyielding heroism of the minorities in their fight against the Japanese invaders. In recent years Deng Xiangyang has even portrayed a hero called Hanaoka Ichiro who finally chooses to die to show his loyalty to the family, and narrated the identity confusion, trauma and tragedy of fate of the later generations after the decades of intermarriage. On the other hand,while writing his novel, Chen Yingzhen examines himself and reflects on his own loss, which, we believe, contributes in some way to the promotion of ethnic harmony.
作者 朱双一
出处 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2012年第5期1-9,共9页 Taiwan Research Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"台湾文学思潮中的流派和社团研究"(07JJDGAT246)
关键词 汉族作家 台湾"原住民" 他者镜像 吴凤 莎秧 雾社事件 Han writers, Taiwan "aboriginal", mirror of otherness, Wu Feng, Sa Yang, Wu She Incident
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