
基于项目式学习模式的大学英语学术写作教学实证研究 被引量:142

An empirical study of academic writing teaching to undergraduates based on the project-based learning model
摘要 本研究是一项基于项目式学习模式的大学英语学术写作教学实证研究,旨在探讨我国大学英语教学转型时期以项目式学习为框架、以学术英语为导向改革和发展教学内容、模式的必要性与可行性。研究表明,实验组和对照组学生的项目研究论文在论文选题、研究过程、调查方法、数据统计、写作规范和手段等方面有相当显著的差异性;实验组学生获得了更多体验真实世界和应用语言的机会,增强了实践、研究、创新意识和能力以及通用英语和学术英语写作能力。 By analyzing the teaching of academic English writing to undergraduates within the framework of the project-based learning model, this empirical study was intended to explore the necessity and feasibility of innovating and developing contents and models of the project-based and academic-oriented college English teaching in its transi- tion period. The project research papers from both the experimental group and the control group showed significant differences in terms of thesis selection, investigation procedures and methods, data collection and analysis, writing norms, formats and strategies, etc. The results indicated that the students from the experimental group acquired more opportunities to experience the real world and use English, which contributed to the enhancing of their awareness and capabilities in practical, exploratory and creative studies as well as their competence in general and academic English writing.
作者 杨莉萍 韩光
出处 《外语界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期8-16,共9页 Foreign Language World
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(项目资助编号HIT.HSS.201215)资助
关键词 大学英语教学 项目式学习 学术英语写作 college English teaching project-based learning academic English writing
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