
方法与建模:两种竞争的探究教学模式评析 被引量:8

The Scientific Method and Model-based Inquiry: Two Competitive Inquiry Teaching Method
摘要 科学方法是美国中小学中普遍使用的探究教学模式,近年来,模型中心模式通过指出科学方法模式的施教是程序化的、与科学内容缺乏联系等问题,向科学方法模式在中小学探究教学实践中的优势地位发出挑战。二者的论争反映它们在科学探究内涵理解及探究教学实践中的核心关注不同,启发科学教育者认识到真正探究教学是在“活动”与“思维”的连续体中寻求平衡的过程,并在科学方法和模型中心模式各自的应用时机、师生关系建构及探究教学有效性认识等方面给予我国探究教学以有益启发。 The scientific method is the typical model of inquiry teaching in America. Recently, the scientific method has been criticized because of its routinized implementation and loose connections with science content, thus its superiority in school's inquiry teaching is challenged by the Model-based inquiry. The arguments between them indicate their differences in understandings of the connotation of scientific inquiry, as well as in their focuses in the implementation of scientific inquiry. The arguments make it clear that the authentic inquiry teaching has to achieve the balance in the continuum of "activity" and "thinking", and enlighten the readers on the aspects of the application time of the scientific method or the model-based inquiry, the construction of student-teacher relationships and understandings of effective inquiry teaching.
作者 姜涛 廖伯琴
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期89-94,共6页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 重庆市人文社会科学重点研究基地重点项目“中小学科学探究教学及其评价研究”(11SKB12)成果之一
关键词 科学方法 模型中心探究 科学探究理解 scientific method model-based inquiry understandings of inquiry
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