

A distributed computing model based on compound cellular automata
摘要 针对目前的分布式计算网络仍然缺乏较高的自治管理和自主认知能力,只能提供独立状态的服务,经常出现多点故障而造成分布式网络运作成本增加、延时加剧甚至网络崩溃等问题,将元胞自动机的相关概念及模型引入到分布式网络计算中,通过修正元胞自动机的原有机制,提出了复合元胞自动机模型,并建立了基于复合元胞自动机的分布式计算模型来提高分布式网络中认知自主管理能力,从而降低分布式计算成本和提高工作效率。通过模拟程序和GridSim软件包验证和展示了复合元胞自动机应用于分布式计算领域的可行性及优越性。 The concept of cellular automation and its model were introduced into distributed computation to solve current distributed computing networks' problems of high operating cost, serious time delay, and even debacle due to the multi-point failure caused by lack of high self-management and self-awareness and only providing independent serv- ices. By amending the original cellular automaton mechanism, a compound cellular automata model was proposed, and the distributed computing model based on compound cellular automata was established to enhance distributed networks' efficiency and reduce the operating cost. The comprehensive simulations and comparisons via GridSim verified the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed compound cellular automata model in the field of distributed computing.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期957-963,共7页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2009AA01Z211)资助项目.
关键词 元胞自动机 分布式计算 复合元胞 绿色网络 自主认知 cellular automation, distributed computing, compound cellular, green network, self-awareness
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