目的分析2008年至2011年荆门市疟疾流行态势,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对荆门市2008年至2011年疟疾疫情数据进行统计分析。结果 2008年至2011年,荆门市6县(市、区)疟疾发病205例,年平均发病率为0.17/万,以钟祥市为高(0.22/万);疟疾占传染病比例平均为0.48%,并逐年下降,每年平均递减24.78%;疟原虫血检阳性率逐年提高,2011年比2008年提高了3.15倍;疟疾病例中本地病例(间日疟)占95.12%,输入性疟疾(恶性疟)占4.87%;输入性疟疾逐年上升,2011年占总病例的11.11%;5~9月为疟疾发病高峰季节,占发病总数62.93%;以复媒地区疟疾发病为主,占发病总数89.76%,中华按蚊区仅占10.24%;男性发病占70.24%,男女之比为2.36∶1;各年龄组均有发病,以31~70岁劳动力发病为多,占73.61%;农民、离退休和家务发病率在各职业中居前3位。结论荆门市疟疾自2002年后又连续4年控制在国家基本消灭的标准之内,但还应继续加强疟疾的监测与防控,特别是对输入性疟疾的监测与防控尤为重要。
Objective Analysis of 2008-2011, the epidemic situation of malaria in Jingmen city, and provide scientific basis for making prevention and control measures. Methods Using descriptive epidemiological method for Jingmen city from 2008 to 2011malaria epidemic situation data for statistical analysis. Results 2008-2011, lingmen city, 6 counties (city, area) the incidence of malaria in 205 cases, the mean annual incidence was 0.17/10000, taking Zhongxiang city as a high (0.22/10000); malaria epidemic proportion accounted for an average of 0.48%, and decrease drop, average24.78% decrement; plasmodium falciparum blood testing positive rate increased year by year, in 2011 than in 2008 increased by 3.15 times; the malaria cases in the local case (tertian) accounted for 95.12%, imported malaria (plasmodium falciparum) accounted for 4.87%; imported malaria is increasing year by year, 2011 total 11.11% cases; 5-9 month for malaria morbidity peak season, accounting for the total incidence of 62.93%; in the complex medium region the incidence of malaria, accounting for the total incidence of 89.76%, anopheles sinensis area accounted for only 10.24%; male incidence accounted for 70.24%, and the ratio of male to female was 2.36 : 1; in each age group has the morbidity, with 31-70 old labor onset, accounted for 73.61%; farmer, retired and housework incidence in the occupation of the top 3. Conclusion Malaria in Jingmen city in 2002 after 4 consecutive years in the national basic elimination control standards, but should also continue to strengthen the monitoring and prevention of malaria, especially for imported malaria surveillance and control is particularly important.
Guide of China Medicine
Epidemic characteristics