
组织学习能力与嵌入能力耦合关系研究 被引量:2

Coupling Relations of the Enterprise's Organizational Learning Capability and Network Embeddedness Capability
摘要 从组织学习能力与网络嵌入能力这两个技术创新能力子系统的关系出发,分析了技术创新网络中企业组织学习能力与网络嵌入能力的交互耦合关系,构建其耦合关系模型,并对以D企业为核心的技术创新网络中企业组织学习能力和网络嵌入能力的耦合度与耦合协调度进行了分析评价,结果表明,以D企业为核心的技术创新网络中企业的组织学习能力与网络嵌入能力处于中度耦合、中度协调耦合状态,仍有进一步改善的空间。 Based on the analysis of coupling relationship of the enterprise' s organizational learning capability and net- work embeddedness capability in technological innovation networks, an evaluation model of coupling relations is set up by means of synergistic theory in this paper. Finally, the model is used to evaluate the coupling degree of D enterprise, a core in the technological innovation networks, between enterprise' s organizational learning capability and network embed- dedness capability, and the results show that the two factors of enterprise in D innovation network are of middle coupling degree and middle coordination degree, and there is still room for improvement in the relations.
作者 张巍 党兴华
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第20期157-162,共6页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于知识权力的技术创新网络治理机理及实现研究"(70972051) 陕西省重点学科建设专项资金资助项目(107-00X901)
关键词 技术创新网络 组织学习能力 网络嵌入能力 耦合关系 technological innovation networks organizational learning capability network embeddedness capability coupling relations
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