

Vacuum Field Simulation Based on CCS Method for EAST
摘要 研究真空场等离子击穿优化问题,在托卡马克等离子体放电中,合适的真空场是保证等离子体击穿的重要条件。合适的真空场是通过调节极向场线圈实现的。对于传统的一体化设计的EAST极向场系统,没有专门的补偿线圈来保证放电初期的真空场分布。为了指导极向场线圈电流的调节以获得合适的真空场分布来保证等离子体稳定击穿性能,提出一种新的基于等离子体真空区域的边界积分方程的方法来计算等离子体区域的真空场。方法在EAST上进行仿真,结果表明,在提供有足够数量的磁测量信号的情况下,改进方法能准确的对真空区域的磁场、磁通进行计算。通过将计算得出的磁场、磁通分布与实验其它一些诊断信号进行对比,表明磁场信号、磁通信号很好的吻合了实验结果,为EAST等离子放电系统优化设计提供了重要的参考。 Proper vacuum field is an important condition in tokamak plasma discharge.A well vacuum field can only be obtained by adjusting the poloidal field(pf) coils current.The integrated design was applied for the pf system in EAST tokamak,there are not special coils for compensating to get a appropriate vacuum field distribution.A new method based on the boundary integral equations governing the vacuum region around the plasma without calculating the eddy current was used to calculate the vacuum field around the plasma region.The application to EAST plasmas showed that this method can be used to calculate the vacuum field accurately when an adequate number of magnetic sensors were provided.By comparing the flux distribution and magnetic field distribution around vacuum chamber with other diagnostic signals,the calculation results agree well with the experimental results.It lays a foundation for feedback control of plasma.
作者 盛静 薛二兵
机构地区 东华大学理学院
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期387-391,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家973资助项目(2008CB717807) ITER国内配套项目(2010GB108004)
关键词 托卡马克 击穿 等磁通面 柯西面方法 Tokamak Breakdown Equi-magnetic flux surface Cauchy-condition surface method
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