采用mRNA和AP_PCR等技术克隆胃粘膜细胞癌变相关基因在技术上是可行的。胃粘膜细胞癌变相关基因的获得 ,在阐明胃癌发生机制及胃癌的早期诊断和临床治疗方面 ,具有重要意义和广阔的应用前景。
It's practial to clone the correlative gene of gas tric cancer cell wit h the mRNA differential display technique and Arbitary Primer-PCR method. To obt ain carcinogenic genes of gastric mucosa cells are important, significant and ap plicable in explaining the mechanism of gastric c ancergenesis, in early diagnosis and in clinical treatment in the near future.
Jiangxi Science