The preservation of a historical building, whatever its architectural and/or artistic value, is more successful when undertaken with a deep understanding of the building's history, development, materials and construction techniques. The preliminary phase of any restoration intervention must start with data acquisition regarding the characteristics and conditions of the building, including a survey of significant alterations. In a great number of cases, restorations are not respectful of the building's static efficiency, so its static requirement is weakened. In fact, a very high percentage of instances in which a restoration effort results in building damage is attributable to such modification's indifference to the structural balance of a structure, as consolidated over time. This study focuses on the restoration intervention on two trilobate pillars that separate the central space from the presbytery in the Cathedral of Matera, located in southern Italy. Through the use of sonic tests - carried out despite the complexity of the shape of the building and constructive elements that characterize these pillars -- it was possible to show the effectiveness of the implemented intervention, highlighting critical points and weaknesses. The research aims to show how -- despite the complexity of some structural elements of a building -- in-depth knowledge of a structure's structure and history is essential to for the success of restoration interventions, which are respectful of a building's type and material peculiarities.