《马克思主义政治经济学原理》在新的两课的课程体系中占有重要地位。在教学方法上应注重一般原理与特殊规律的结合 ,以社会热点问题作为教学切入点 ,并有计划地组织学生阅读教材 ,发挥他们的主观能动性。此外 ,应逐渐采用现代化教学手段 ,以便真正提高课堂教学的效果。
The course Marxist Political Economy Principle occupies an important place in new two subject system.We should lay stress on combining the general principle with special regularity,take social hot problems as the teaching cut over point;have students read teaching material plannedly and bring their subjective activity into play.Furthermore,we should also use modern teaching methods gradually in order to raise the classroom teaching effect really.
Journal of Changchun University