油藏地球化学是近些年在油气地质领域新兴的一门边缘学科 ,利用色谱指纹技术研究混采油层的单层产能贡献是其重要的研究领域之一 .本文以新站油田为例 ,对 9个葡萄花和 3个黑帝庙油组的单层油进行了实验室配比 ,详细探讨了从基础指纹数据库的建立到特征指纹参数的选取 ,并结合数学统计法把 9个葡萄花油组原油分为 4种不同族群 ,而 3个黑帝庙油组原油归为同一族群 ,进而确定了 4种配比方案 ,建立了 4套实验室产能预测图版 ,各个图版分别有相关性较好的关系线 3~ 4条 .经实验室任意自配混合样检验后 ,各图版均优选出相对误差小于 5%的最佳工作线 ,证实了本方法的可靠性与实用性 .
Reservoir geochemistry is a interdisciplinary subject developed in recent years in petroleum geology field. An important branch of it is to study the contribution of a single horizon to total production when some horizons are exploited in the same time. In this paper, nine Putaohuo oils and three Heidimiao oils of Xinzhan Oilfield were respectively classified into four petroleum populations and one popualtion by gas chromatography fingerprinting. The crude oils were formulated into mixed oil samples in four formulation forms, and there were 11 mixed oil samples in different proportion in each formulation form. Four productivity predicting standard charts were obtained according to the corresponding relationship between the gas chromatography of the mixed oil samples and their composition.In each chart,there are 3 or 4 curves. They were further optimized by self formulated oil samples, an optimum straight line was selected. These charts can be used for predicting the productivity contribution of this oilfield.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)
reservoir geochemistry, chromatography fingerprinting,simultaneously exploited horizons, productivity contribution