

A flexible VOD system using resource appointment and multi-point communication
摘要 提出了一种具有伸缩性的视频点播(SVOD)系统,该系统可使服务开始时间与服务请求时间相分离,并允许用户设定所需服务的持续时间。如果在用户请求时刻,其服务质量不能得到保证,SVOD将会计算出能以用户期望的QoS播放影片的最早时间,这一时间会受到是否利用多点通信方式向多用户传送同一部影片的影响。 In this paper, we propose a scalable VOD(SVOD) system which decouples the starting time of the service from the service request made and requires that the duration of the requested service must be specified. If the requested QoS cannot be supported at the time the service request is made, SVOD allows to compute the earliest time, when the user can play the movie with the desired QoS. This time can also be determined in a way to use multicast communication to deliver the same movie to several users.
作者 白成林
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2000年第7期26-30,共5页 Video Engineering
基金 山东省自然科学基金!Q99G11
关键词 视频点播 多点通信 视频服务器 资源预约 video-on-demand future reservation multicast communication quality of service video server
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