目的了解胎膜早破(P ROM)孕妇念珠菌性阴道炎感染及抗生素耐药情况。方法收集2010年7月~2011年12月我院产科接诊的胎膜早破孕妇的阴道分泌物进行念珠菌培养、鉴定和药物敏感试验。结果 562例标本共检出念珠菌89株,念珠菌带菌率为15.8%,检出率最高的为白色念珠菌,常用抗生素中耐药率最高的是伊曲康唑,其次是咪康唑。结论孕妇患念珠菌性阴道炎是造成胎膜早破的重要原因,应重视念珠菌的筛查,减少母婴风险。
Objectve To understand the infection of vulvovaginal candidiasis and drug resistance in samples from pregnant women with premature rupture of membranes (PROM). Methods From July 2010 to December 2011, the vaginal secretions of premature rupture of membranes pregnant women from the maternity department of our hospital were cultured identified, and drug susceptibility tests were conducted. Results Among the 562 samples, 89 candida were detected. Candida infection rate was 15.8%. The resistance rate of candida to itraconazole is the highest among the common antibiotics; miconazde is in the second place. Conclusion The vulvovaginal candidiasis with pregnant women is an important cause for premature rupture of membranes. Thus more attention should be paid to eandida inspection to cut down the risk of mothers and infants.
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Premature rupture of membranes
Susceptibility test