

A Preliminary Report of Small Mammal Frugivory on Balanophora harlandii (Balanophoraceae)
摘要 初次报道了哺乳类食果动物可能对蛇菰科葛菌(Balanophora harlandii)的种子散布,葛菌具有酷似蘑菇且醒目显著的肉质佛焰状果序,食菌的啮齿类动物很可能由于对其进行取食而起到种子散布的作用,本文对此现象进行了初步探讨。 Mammal frugivory and apparent seed dispersal of Balanophora harlandii (Balanophoraceae) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China is reported for the first time. The possibility of the conspicuous, fleshy, spadiciform infructescences mimicking mushrooms for dispersal by mycophagous rodents is discussed.
出处 《植物分类与资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期466-470,共5页 Plant Diversity
关键词 寄生植物 蛇菰科 可能的食菌类 啮齿动物 种子散布 Parasitic plants Balanophoraceae Possible Mycophagy Rodents Seed dispersal
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