通过对赣州市红旗大道绿化树种群落结构的研究分析,认为其绿化效果好,绿化树种群落结构有鲜明的特点。主要绿化建群种乔木及大灌木树种有4种,骨干树种突出、简洁明了而大气,其中3种(樟树、女贞、夹竹桃)是乡土树种,1种(银桦)是引种比较成功的树种;树种结构搭配科学合理,利于形成丰满的林冠层,形成了有效的防护噪音、粉尘的立体防护林冠;建群种的选择符合城市街道绿化抗汽车尾气污染、粉尘污染等抗污染的要求;常绿与落叶树种的比例较合理,恰好能营造良好的春冬和夏秋道路绿化景观;开始绿化种植树木时,采用小规格(直径2~3 cm)、全冠树苗种植,树木生命力强,长时间生长旺盛;在节点上种植了具有赣南特色的乡土树种赣南种源的榕树(赣南榕树),也不失为赣州市红旗大道绿化的一个亮点。
Through analysis and study on the population structure of greening tree species around Hongqi Road of Ganzhou city, it was suggested that the effect of greening was good, and population structure of greening tree species have distinctive features. There have 4 main greening constructive species of trees and large shrub with prominent backbone, concise and grand, three kinds of (C camphora, Ligustrum lucidum, Nerium indicum) is a native species, 1 species (Grevillea robusta) is a more successful introduction species; scientific and rational species structure can conducive to the formation of the full canopy layer, formation of stereo sheherbehs crown for effective against noise, dust; the constructive species choosing accorded to requirements of city streets greening anti-vehicle exhaust pollution, dust pollution and anti-pollution; reasonable proportion of evergreen and deciduous trees, just created a good road green landscape at spring & winter and summer & autumn; began planting trees, small size (2 to 3 cm in diameter), full crown seedlings were planted with prolonged vitality and growing vigorous; native tree species Ficus microcarpa Gannan with characteristics of Gannan were planted on the node, which from Gannan provenances, that may well be a highlight of green for Hongqi Road of Ganzhou City.
Jiangxi Forestry Science and Technology
Road green
Population features of tree species
Hongqi Road