
基于内涵界定的我国滨海旅游发展模式研究 被引量:11

Models of Integrated Development of Coastal Tourism of China Based on Its Connotation
摘要 基于"本体-认识-方法"论的逻辑范式,从关系范围和主驱力两个视角重新界定了滨海旅游的基本内涵,认为滨海旅游与海岸旅游和海洋旅游具有交叉关系,是在一定的社会经济条件下,以沿海岸线陆域和海岸为依托,以满足人们精神和物质需求以及不同经济主体利益为目的而进行的海陆观光、休闲和度假等旅游活动所产生的现象和关系的总和;结合国内外发展实践认为滨海旅游应有独特的滨海生态与人文资源、较长的可游憩时间、优越的区位条件和交通环境、较好的海陆经济产业发展、较高的开发技术支撑和强烈的海洋意识培养等六方面特性;基于内涵界定并遵照滨海旅游发展模式构建的市场经济驱动、不同主体参与、地方特色强化和游憩环境保护4项原则,从管理经营、空间布局和要素开发等3个关键领域系统地提出了滨海旅游发展的政府主导与企业驱动相结合的管理经营模式、"集聚-联动"驱动的空间布局模式、RMIP要素开发模式,以期为沿海城区滨海旅游地建设和完善提供了理论和实践的双重借鉴。 The world of 21st century is one of the marine economy. The coastal tourism destinations of littorals respond positively to the national development strategies of "bringing in, going out" and "co-ordination of land and sea" and develop sustainably and rapidly the leisure tourism. The appropriate choice of development models is a key to the development of coastal tourism. This article defines clearly the connotation of coastal tourism from the two perspectives of the relationship between the scope and the main driving force and point out that the cross-cutting relationship is existed among the shore tourism, coastal tourism, marine tourism, which is the sum of the phenomena and relationships generated by developing leisure activities along the coastal land and coast ha order to meet people's spiritual and material needs and interests of the economic groups in a certain socio-economic conditions based on the logic paradigm of "noumenon-understanding-methodology". Analyzing its development practices at home and abroad, the coastal tourism should possess six characteristics: coastal ecology and cultural resources uniquely, longer recreation time, superior geography conditions and traffic environment, better economic and industrial development of land and sea, higher technical support and strong maritime awareness. This article constructs the management mode of combing government-oriented with enterprises-driven, the space layout mode driven by clustering and linkage, model of development of RMIP elements from three key areas about the management, space layout and elements of development based on the connotation of coastal tourism and four principles (driven by market economy, participated by various groups, strengthened by local characteristics and protected by recreation environment) in order to provide the theories and practices of development modes for building and improving the coastal tourism destinations of littorals.
出处 《热带地理》 北大核心 2012年第5期527-536,共10页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金(41140007 41261035) 河北省社会科学基金项目(HB12YJ089)
关键词 滨海旅游 基本内涵 发展模式 管理经营 集聚联动 休闲度假 海洋意识 coastal tourism basic connotation development model management operation gathering and linkage leisure maritime awareness
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