
基于单天线的MEMS-INS/GPS组合定姿方法 被引量:9

Method for MEMS-INS/GPS integrated attitude determination based on single antenna
摘要 为了将MEMS-INS/GPS组合导航系统的定姿误差控制在一定范围内并保持较高精度,同时实现低成本测姿要求。文章提出一种新方法,即采用组合速度信息估计加速度,再利用二者实现单天线GPS姿态解算,最后将姿态信息一定间隔内反馈给惯导进行四元数更新实现捷联惯导姿态更新,进一步完成组合姿态预测滤波。通过分析仿真数据,表明单天线测姿误差不随时间累加,且俯仰角、横滚角、航向角误差分别在0.2度、0.5度、0.2度范围内。最后在动态跑车试验中,将MEMS惯导组合测姿和单天线GPS辅助组合测姿结果进行了比较。 In order to control the attitude error into a certain range and maintain a higher precision in MEMS-INS/GPS integrated navigation system, a new method is proposed. Firstly, acceleration is calculated by integrated speed and then attitude determina- tion is accomplished based on single antenna. Finally, the attitude information is given feedback to INS by certain interval for quaternions update, thus update the integrated attitude. Experiments indicated that the proposed method could inhibit the accu- mulated attitude error, and the pitch/roll/heading angle error is in 0. 2/0.5/0. 2 degrees range respectively. In dynamic sports car trial, the attitude result of MEMS-INS and single antenna GPS assists integrated system is compared.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期3999-4003,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61101077)
关键词 微机电惯性导航系统 组合导航 姿态误差 单天线GPS 捷联惯导 四元数更新 MEMS-INS integrated navigatiom attitude error single antenna strap-down inertial system quaternions update
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