在医院信息系统的建设过程中,既要有传统的医院信息管理系统(HIS),也要有电子病历(EMR)、实验室信息管理系统(LIS)、医学影像系统(PACS/RIS)、临床信息系统(CIS)等等。但是由于采用了不同公司的产品,信息很难做到互联互通,业务流程更不可能实现灵活调整,在医院内部形成了一个个信息和应用的孤岛。本文依据医院信息系统以及医学影像系统间数据交互的要求,提出了"以集成为核心的数字化医院建设"思路,应用集成软件平台,采用HL7标准以及基于XML的SOAP通信协议以及Web Services技术,实现了以集成平台为核心的医院信息系统的整体架构,实现信息资源的整合与共享。
With the hospital's construction and business development, it requires traditional Hospital Information System (HIS), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Laboratory Information Management System (LIS), Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS),Clinical Information System (CIS) and so on, But by using a variety of products from different providers, it is difficult to achieve information interoperability and so for the flexible adjustment in business processes. Thus, more and more information islands have been made. Based on the requirements between the hospital information system (HIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) to interact data, we put forward the idea "to integration as the core of the digital hospital construction", adopt the "application integration platform" as the construction of hospital information system, use HL7 standards and XML based SOAP communication protocol, establish the hospital information sharing and application integration platform.
Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management