
全脱位牙再植 被引量:5

Tooth replantation of avulsed teeth
摘要 影响牙再植的因素众多,牙再植的成功率并不高。如何改善牙再植的预后一直是儿童牙科临床面临的一大挑战。牙再植的过程一般包括患牙及牙槽窝的处理、患牙再植和固定。辅助治疗则包括全身性抗生素的应用、局部抗菌措施、破伤风疫苗的强化等。由于牙根发育程度的不同以及患牙根面牙周膜细胞活性状态的差异等原因,患牙的根面处理及再植后的固定措施有所差异。此外,还需根据患牙牙根发育是否完全、患牙根面是否有活性牙周膜细胞覆盖等对患牙牙髓进行相应的观察或处理。本文拟就这些方面进行简要的介绍。 The prognosis of replanted teeth depends on several factors, post-traumatic external root resorption even- tually resulting in loss of the traumatized tooth is a frequent finding. How to improve the healing of the replanted teeth is always a big challenge for pediatric dentists. Simply, replanta- tion procedures involve preparation of the root surface, prepa- ration of the socket, replantation and splinting. Moreover, ad- junctive therapy, such as systemic antibiotics, Tetanus and patient instructions should be dealt with. Choice of treatment is related to the maturity of the root (open or closed apex) and the condition of the periodontal ligament cells. In this paper, the treatment of root surface, the type and time of splinting for replanted teeth and the endodontie treatment will be dis- cussed briefly.
作者 汪俊
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2012年第9期513-517,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 牙脱位 牙再植术 牙周膜细胞 根面处理 固定 tooth avulsion tooth replantation periodon- tal ligament cells root surface treatment splinting
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