
土地利用冲突权衡的理论与方法 被引量:16

Theories and Methods on Trade-offs of Land-use Conflicts
摘要 在对已有文献分析的基础上,提出土地利用冲突的权衡理论基础、框架和模型方法。利用数理模型方法,建立区域土地生态系统的功能价值评估体系,分析、评估不同尺度土地生态系统的功能及其价值水平,构建基于遗传算法的土地利用数量结构模型,获取区域土地利用数量结构的Pareto解集,并根据利益相关者的意愿和偏好做出权衡,确定解决土地利用冲突的有效方案,为缓解冲突并尽可能减少冲突提供一定的参考依据。 On the basis of existing literature analysis, this paper puts forward the theory, framework and mod- el approach of trade-offs for land-use conflict. This research maintains that when facing conflict of interest in deal- ing with land, land-use managers should carefully analyze the various trade-offs between competing elements of the relationship and make use of mathematical modeling approach, establish regional land ecosystem function value as- sessment system. They should analyze and assess function and value of land ecosystem in different scales, build land-use quantitative structural models based on genetic algorithm. The regional land-use quantitative structure of Pareto solution set is given, the trade-offs are made in accordance with the wishes and preferences of stakeholders, and the effective program for the mitigation of conflicts is determined. This research provides a frame of reference for the resolution and minimization of land-use conflicts.
出处 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期171-176,共6页 Areal Research and Development
基金 2011年度河南省社会科学规划委托研究项目(2011GJJ022)
关键词 土地利用 土地利用冲突 权衡 land-use land-use conflicts trade-offs
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