
基于代理盲签名的车载自组网认证技术研究 被引量:4

Research of a Authentication Scheme Based on the Proxy Blind Signature Scheme for the Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
摘要 研究了适用于移动车载自组织网络的基于代理盲签名方案的移动节点认证技术。针对移动车载自组网在大规模节点组网和节点移动时,认证复杂且效率低下的问题,提出一种基于代理多重签名和盲签名的认证技术。该技术采用代理签名方案适应车载节点的移动性,代理多重签名解决节点间重复认证问题,采用盲签名方案适应了车载网分布式系统的复杂性和实现了车载节点间认证的交互性,最后采用基于DSA变形的代理盲签名方案避免伪造攻击,并给出认证系统体系结构和安全签名密钥发布模型。实验分析表明,该技术能够较好地适应车载节点的移动性和复杂性,在车载网安全性和认证效率上具有良好的性能。 we proposed a signature scheme based on the proxy multi-signature and blind signature certification technology.This technology,using proxy signature scheme and mobility of vehicle-mounted node to proxy multi-signature solve between the nodes authentication problems,the repeated to blind signature scheme vehicle-mounted nets distributed system's complexity and realize the on-board authentication interactivity between the nodes,finally the agency based on DSA deformation to avoid blind signature scheme,and gives collusion attack authentication system structure and secure signature key release model.Experimental results showed that this technology can better meet the on-board node mobility and complexity,in the on-board nets safety and the authentication efficiency has good performance.
作者 徐甜 宋强
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2012年第10期170-173,共4页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 车载自组网 代理盲签名 签名认证 安全协议 vehicular ad-hoc network proxy blind signature anonymous authentication security protocol
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