Objective: To study the relationship between of the Salmonella strains from food born, a molecular epidemiologic analysis method based on repetitive sequence was established. To establish DNA fingerprint databases of Salmonella by using DiversiLab typing system to compare Salmonella from different sourses with the Salmonella databases and determine its origin of the food borne disease, cut off the route of transmission. For forecasting and warning guarantee food security provide scientific basis, for preventing the food borne diseases provide technical support. Simultaneously, being serotype, comparative analysis of the two methods of quality and their correlation with serovar. Methods: At first, serotyped the Salmonella spp. which was isolated from each kind of food and feed in Fujian entry-exitinspection and quarantine bureau from 2002 to 2010, then typed by DiversiLab typing which include DNA extraction, rep-PCR, separated and detected by microfluidic chip. Thermal cycling parameters were as follows: initial denaturation at 94 % for 2 min, 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 %: for 30 s, annealing at 50 %: for 30 s, extension at 70 %: for 90 s, and a final extension at 70 %: for 3 min. Results: Of 23 Salmonella strains analyzed, all the Salmonella strains divided into 6 serovar. The same serotype strains could be typed different subtypes by DiversiLab typing. Conclusion: DiversiLab typing system is a fast, feasible operating, high reproducibility and high discriminatory gene typing method. It is recommended as a epidemic analysis tool for foodborne illness. DJversJLab typing has better discriminatory than serotyping, the two kinds of typing methods are closely related.
Food Science and Technology