
欧洲LNG站场安全法规标准及其启示 被引量:4

Good lessons from European safety regulation standards of LNG terminals
摘要 欧洲对LNG设施有较全面、科学、有效的安全规范和保障,按相关欧盟法规和LNG欧洲标准设计、监管、运营的欧洲LNG站场从未发生过较大或重大的安全事故,多项欧洲LNG标准在国际上得到高度认可并被广泛使用,深入分析欧洲及其主要国家LNG安全法规标准体系,有助于建立和完善适用于我国LNG安全的法规、标准体系。为此,全面搜集、分析了LNG站场安全相关的欧盟法规、欧洲主要标准、英国和意大利法规及其政府监管文献资料。结果表明,欧洲LNG安全法规、标准少而完备;欧盟法规、国家法规、欧洲标准分别对LNG的管理、经营、技术人员的工作行为和工作程序分类做了严格规范,层次分明、结构优化,组成统一、协调的安全规范体系;该体系的内容丰富,针对危险物质或LNG站场的风险特性,欧洲LNG标准中采用的危险评估方法科学、适用性强,在安全监管中作用显著。欧洲LNG安全法规、标准的内容、体系的结构及使用方式值得我国学习与借鉴。 European safety standards and guarantee measures are overall,scientific and effective for LNG projects and facilities.No big nor serious accidents ever occurred at the European LNG terminals which was designed,supervised and operated according to European LNG codes,among which many have received high recognition and have been widely applied all over the world.In view of this,this paper collects and analyzes the relevant literatures of European Union(EU) laws,main European standards,regulations of Britain and Italy,as well as the official documentation related to LNG terminals.The following results are obtained.(1) European LNG safety regulations or standards are limited in numbers but very complete.(2) In EU laws,country regulations,and European standards,strict criteria are well described for LNG management,operation,technical staff's conducts,and classification of working procedures,thus a unified and coordinating safety regulation system is established with good arrangement and optimized structure.The system is rich in content,targeted for hazardous substances and risk characteristics of the LNG terminals;the risk assessment method adopted by the European LNG technical standards is scientific,has a strong applicability,and plays a significant role in the safety regulatory.In conclusion,it is worthwhile for China to learn from the European LNG safety regulations as well as their contents,system structures,operation methods,and so forth.
出处 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期95-98,119,共4页 Natural Gas Industry
基金 中山大学-BP液化天然气中心资助项目(编号:99103-9390001) 广东省教育厅液化天然气与低温技术重点实验室资助项目(编号:39000-3211101)
关键词 欧洲 LNG站场 设计 施工 安全 法规 标准 LNG,safety regulation,standards,design and construction,EU
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