为了快速拆除杭州市内一幢内部框架加固的四层古式建筑楼房 ,原设计采用向南侧定向坍塌的爆破方案 ,并已钻眼确定爆破缺口 .后因南侧街面房未能及时拆除 ,只能更改为原位坍塌方案 ,为确保爆破成功和施工安全 ,针对爆破难点 ,正确选定爆破参数 ,根据经验公式 V=K· (Q1 / 3 /R) a对爆破振速作了安全校核计算 ,并制定相应的安全防护措施 ,通过爆破网络的整改 ,爆破获得成功 。
In order to demolish an old internally frame reinforced four story building complex in the city, at first, the directional blast was adopted and the blasting drills had been practised. Owing to the difficulty of demolishing the south street building, the original blasting was changed into the demolishment in site. In order to ensure the safety of the blasting, calculations and checks were carried out to verify the blasting speed based on the experienced formula V=K·(Q 1/3 /R) α and the relevant safety measures were made. The blasting proved to be a great success and provided valuable data for the similar demolishing programs.
Bulletin of Science and Technology