

Therapeutic Effect Observation on Shutaiqing plus Open Plug Dew for Constipation of Senile Diabetic Patients
摘要 为评价舒泰清单独口服或联合开塞露治疗老年糖尿病便秘患者的疗效和安全性,将82例老年糖尿病合并便秘患者分为A、B两组。A组患者口服舒泰清,B组患者口服舒泰清,同时应用开塞露直肠给药。观察排便的次数和大便性状的变化。结果显示,治疗3周后,A组和B组总有效率分别为80.8%和90.0%。B组有效率高于A组,但差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。腹泻为患者的主要不良反应,但均可耐受。结果表明,舒泰清单独或联合开塞露均是治疗老年糖尿病合并便秘患者有效、安全的药物。 This paper was to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of shutaiqing (macrogol 4000) orally administration plus open plug dew in treating constipation senile diabetic patients. Eighty-two cases were divided into group A and group B. Shutaiqing was given to group A orally,while an addition of open plug dew to group B rectally. The defecation frequency and property of stools were observed. The results showed that three weeks after treatment the effective rate was 80.8 % and 90.0 % ,respectively in group A and group B. Although the effective rate of group B was higher than group A, statistical differences were not found between the two groups( P 〉0.05). Diarrhea was one of adverse reactions and could be tolera- ble. It is concluded that shutaiqing with or without open plug dew is safe and effective for constipation of senile diabetic patients.
出处 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2012年第9期32-33,共2页 Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
关键词 便秘 糖尿病 舒泰清 开塞露 Constipation Diabetes Shutaiqing Open plug dew
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