
口语教学与思辨能力培养——一项对英语辩论课程中学生反思日志的研究 被引量:68

Oral English Teaching and Critical Thinking:A Study on Reflective Journals by Students in an English Debate Course
摘要 本文旨在通过分析辩论课程中的学生反思日志,探索在英语口语教学中培养学生思辨能力的方法。为此,作者抽取了20名英语专业学生为英语辩论课所写的60篇反思日志,从他们对辩论各方面的关注情况和反思层面进行分析,发现撰写反思日志有益于锻炼学生思辨能力,促进他们的目标语言使用能力,并有助于师生之间的沟通,进而促进教学。因此,反思日志在重视培养思辨能力的英语教学中应占有一席之地。 This study aims to explore the way to foster students' critical thinking ability in oral English teaching through analyzing the reflective journals written for the English debate course. To achieve this aim,60 reflective journals written by 20 English major students from a debate class were analyzed in terms of the aspects of debating they reflected on and the levels of their reflections. Results indicate that writing reflective journal has the potential of enhancing students' critical thinking ability as well as their ability to use the English language. Reflective journals can also aid communication between the teacher and students, thus promoting the effectiveness of teaching. For these reasons, it is argued that they have a role to play in English teachin~ that aims to foster critical thinking ability.
作者 林岩
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期29-33,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 反思日志 英语口语教学 思辨能力 reflective journal oral English teaching criticalthinking ability
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