讨论在 I+上进一步引入刻划 agent间通信所必需的原语及基于 HTTP的中间件而形成的面向 agent的多范例语言 I* .在 I*中引入了一些处理 agent的原语 ,它们来自 Shoam的 AOP和Finin的 KQML.I*的实现策略是将 I*转换为 I+加上 KAPI提供的支持 agent间通信的库函数调用 .KAPI提供 agent间的传送和通信界面 ,支持的协议有 TCP/IP、HTTP。
I+ is a multi paradigm language for object oriented declarative programming as well as parallel programming. It is an integration of three major programming paradigms, object oriented, logic and functional with salient features. This paper introduced a dedicated set of primitives necessary for communication among agents and an HTTP based infrastructure to serve agents to I+. The new language is called I *, which is a language suitable for development of agent oriented applications. The primitives dedicated for communication among agents were adopted from Shoam's AOP and Finin's KQML. The implementation strategy of I * is to transform I * into I+ first, then integrate with library functions provided by KAPI. KAPI provides transfer among agents and communication interfaces which support protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, EMAIL etc.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University