
独立学院大学生英语听力自主学习能力构成的因子分析 被引量:1

The Factorial Analysis on the Listening Autonomy of Independent College Students
摘要 研究通过采用半结构式访谈、问卷等调查工具,对330名独立学院非英语专业大学二年级学生进行调查,并运用数据分析软件对反馈信息进行因子分析。研究者从中提取了构成独立学院大学生英语听力自主学习能力的11个因子,并将其归纳为三大要素,即"元认知调节要素"、"有效认知策略要素"和"社会情感要素"。其中,"元认知调节要素"包括2个因子:"目标和计划"、"监控和评估"。"有效认知策略要素"包括6个因子:"材料选择"、"联想和猜测"、"分析和推理"、"听力技巧运用"、"扩大词汇量"和"做笔记"。"社会情感要素"包括3个因子:"情感管理"、"合作"及"环境因素"。这11个因子或三大要素反映了独立学院学生英语听力自主学习能力的特点和问题,为今后的听力教学提供了一些启示。 By using both qualitative and quantitative methods such as semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, this study studied 330 sophomores of non-English major. The received questionnaire answers were analyzed by the data analysis software. The data indicates that the listening autonomy of independent college students is composed of 11 factors, which are sorted into three major components: metacognitive strategies, cognitive listening strategies and social affection strategies. Metacognitive selfmanagement strategies include 2 factors: "goals and planning" and "evaluation and monitoring". Cognitive listening strategies include 6 factors: "material selection", "association and guessing", "analyzing and inferencing", "using listening skills", "vocabulary enlarging"and"note-taking", social affection strategies include 3 factors: "affective adjustment", "cooperation" and "environment". The 11 factors or three major components reflect the features and problems of the listening autonomy of independent college students, and provide inspiration for the listening teaching in the future.
作者 窦国芹 刘虎
出处 《皖西学院学报》 2012年第4期97-101,共5页 Journal of West Anhui University
基金 安徽省高等学校青年人才基金项目(2011SQRW168) 阜阳师范学院校级人文社会科学研究项目(2009FSSK16)
关键词 自主学习 听力策略 因子分析 听力教学 autonomous learning listening strategies factorial analysis listening teaching
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