
从半日制到全日制——德国中小学学制改革在争议中艰难前行 被引量:2

From Half-day to All-day:Arduous Promotion in Basic educational System Reform in Germany
摘要 半日制学校传统的存废是近年来德国基础教育改革的热点问题之一,2006年,法兰克福大学与多特蒙德大学的研究者进行合作,借助PIRLS测试原始数据,将德国半日制和全日制小学的教育项目和学生成绩分别进行比较,进而评估全日制学校的结构特点和教学效果。这一研究视角在德国尚属首例。 All-day schools are a major focus of recent debates on educational system reforms in Germany, especially when the federal government announced to invest 4 billion euros in full-day schools over five years since 2003. This article presemts a study on this subject by Universit?t Dortmund and Frankfurt am Main in 2006. The study is based on secondary analyses of representative German data from the PIRLS study combined with information provided additionally from the schools' principals. They compared the provision and student performances between half-day and all-day primary schools in Germany, and assessed the structural characteristics and teaching effect of all-day schools. Expectations about the effects of all-day schooling on education and student achievement are theoretically discussed from the point of view of research on school effectiveness. According to the researchers, the previous researches mainly focus on the sociology of education and education policy, whereas they now place particular emphasis on the field of Pedagogi problems in hierarchical data structure by calculating of reading ca1 measures and student achievement; they nicely solve the the odds ratio. No evidence was found of effects on the level comprehension nor on the correlation between comprehension and social background or migration status. This resuh could help to determine whether and how to establish and develop all-day schools
作者 黄华
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期32-36,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 德国基础教育学制改革 教育公平 半日制 全日制 优势比 German basic educational system reform educational equity all-day schools half-day schools odds ratios
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