
扩大的差距——巴西高等教育入学机会分配政策的变迁与面临的挑战 被引量:3

Expansion without Equity The Transformation and Challenges for Brazilian higher education access policy
摘要 在现代社会,高等教育越来越被看作是推进社会平等的工具,并期待为全体人口创造更大的机会。因此,扩大高等教育入学机会与确保教育公平是世界各国教育政策的核心议题之一。本文通过对巴西高等教育政策的梳理,对巴西高等教育的结构体系、受教育情况进行了概要介绍,对巴西政府为推进教育公平所采取的措施以及面临的困难和问题进行了深入分析。改进高等教育供给方式,完善学生资助手段,均衡质量和公平问题,是巴西高等教育未来发展面临的主要课题。 Nowadays, more and more people are coming to realize that acquiring opportunities of access to higher education would play a key role in improving the social equal and are expecting to create more opportunities for everyone. Therefore how to increase access and obtain greater equity whilst providing quality education is a central issue in education policy. This paper instructed mainly the higher educational structure system and the general situation of Brazilian Higher Education and given a systematical analysis which measures to address the serious equity issues had been taken and that would had been result in difficulties and dilemmas by deeply insights higher education access policies. It is essential issues for Brazil to take major steps to diversify the categories of the tertiary institutions, to improve the measures of undergraduate financial aids and to balance the equity and quality of Brazil higher education.
作者 杜瑞军
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期50-55,共6页 International and Comparative Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2009年度教育部重点课题"高考招生评价方式研究"(课题批准号:GFA097027)的成果之一
关键词 巴西 高等教育 高等教育入学政策 Brazil Higher Education Access Policy of higher education
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