
SSME背景下的会展服务创新研究——以青岛2014世界园艺博览会为例 被引量:7

Study on Service Innovation of MICE Based on SSME——A Case Study of 2014 World Horticultural Exposition in Qingdao
摘要 当前迅速发展的会展业不仅需要提倡精细化的管理思想,而且系统化的服务创新也迫在眉睫。本文借鉴服务科学管理工程的研究方法,以博览会游客和有关专家为对象,运用访谈和问卷调查获得第一手数据资料,并利用SPSS19.0进行因子分析和相关性分析,将游客的需求抽象转换为一系列的工程参数。在绘制会展服务蓝图的基础上,对青岛2014世界园艺博览会服务的38项指标进行质量功能展开分析,结果表明,展会中的人员服务、展会信息和场馆环境对游客来说是最重要的,据此得出资源分配的优先顺序,实现最大化的游客满意度;而对在具体的服务过程中出现的三对相互矛盾的指标,则采用TRIZ理论化解矛盾,最终实现模式化的服务创新选择。 Many countries have started to emphasize the economic benefits brought by MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, & Exhibitions) activities, and in the areas where economy and trade grow rapidly, the MICE ac- tivities have gradually become industrialized. The convention and exhibition industry has witnessed an increasing competition in terms of high service quality and visitor satisfaction, in which service development or innovation processes should be emphasized in every service quality and satisfaction program. In recent decades, the reasons why the countries around the world are actively bidding for the World Horticultural Expo are as follows: Firstly, the host country can take the opportunity to develop international trades and improve technological cooperation, to achieve greater development. Secondly, it can expand the International exchanges and improve its international status and prestige of the host country. Thirdly, it will promote urban construction and economic and social development of the host country. Lastly, business opportunities can be obtained to get for economic benefits. Tertiary industry-oriented, Qingdao is situated in an important base for the development of national tertiary in- dustry in China's eastern coastal area, advantages are very evident here, such as its dominant edge of the geograph- ical position, cultural superiority, and its service quality. It is the principal impetus to promote the economic develop- ment in Qingdao by virtue of combining dominant industries with exhibition in order to develop MICE indus- try. Qingdao not only has climatic conditions that suitable for the development of flower industry, but has advantages of the developed urban economy and a good international image . What' s more, many trades have been held in Qingdao, so there is a wealth of experience in organizing exhibitions and a perfect service system. With these advan- tages, Qingdao obtains the right to host the 2014 World Horticultural Expo, which is an excellent opportunity for the development, gaining both economic and non-economic benefits . The successfully held of Horticultural Expo will certainly improve the city's competitiveness, impact and visibility, while speeding up the process of modernization and internationalization. The rapid development of convention and exhibition industry not only needs service improvement, but also the systematic service innovation model. Conducting researches on service quality and customers' satisfaction has be- come significant in many industries. Nonetheless, the measurement and management of professional service quality is particularly problematic. Most research paradigms previously proposed or introduced have focused exclusively on customers without equally emphasizing the service generation and delivery processes. In terms of the exhibition in- dustry, the researches of service quality involved in many fields and are from different perspectives, such as attendees' perspectives, exhibition organizer' s perspective, and so forth. Despite that, there is a paucity of research on exhibitions in general, and on the service innovation in particular. To enable the organizers of exhibition to im- prove service quality they must understand the service attributes their visitors consider importantty" charts. On the basis of drawing the Service Blueprint and making a analysis of quality function deployment in Qingdao 2014 WoAd Horticultural Expo' s 37 service indicators, this paper, compared with other similar events, makes a quantitative analysis of the relationship matrix in the room of the House of Quality so as to get the order of the allocation of resources in the service process, and probes into the immobilized service innovation theory against the indexes which shows a negative correlation through the TRIZ theory. The respondents involve foreigners partici- pating in the 21 th Qingdao Beer Festival, six hundred Qingdao local citizens especially those who had visited Shang- hai World Expo and some experts participating in WoAd Horticultural Exposition held in Shenyang. SPSS 19.0 soft- ware is used to analyze the data. Finally, the conclusion shows, from the perspective of TRIZ theory, the choices of service innovation in the WoAd Horticultural Expo held in Qingdao in 2014 ,which also provides reference for future applications during the development of convention and exhibition industry. This paper attempts to propose for the convention and exhibition industry a systematic, structured approach, which is called Quality Function Deployment ( QFD), to designing new or renovating extant services with a focus on both external visitors' needs and internal service management requirements. Therefore, the QFD framework proposed in this paper is to be viewed as a comprehensive model integrating visitors' demands into internal research and de- velopment activities. The conclusion offers suggestions and directions for exhibition services innovation, with one par- ticular method. Furthermore, the concluding outlook contains some remarks on future researches in service innova- tion from different perspectives.
作者 蔡礼彬
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期116-127,共12页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 中国海洋发展研究中心项目"海洋节庆品质属性提升研究"(AOCQN2011027)
关键词 会展服务 服务科学管理工程 质量功能展开 TRIZ理论 精细化管理 exhibition services SSME quality function deployment TRIZ delicacy management
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