
服务创新的理论演进、方法及前瞻 被引量:8

A Literature Review on the Theory Revolution,Method and Prospect of Services Innovation
摘要 服务创新理论的演进与服务业的发展壮大相伴随但又相对滞后于实践。自20世纪70年代起步以来,服务创新理论大致经历了技术与互动性研究、批判和改进、知识与创新系统研究三个阶段。服务创新的研究方法大都基于案例分析和调查研究,且通常是基于某个具体行业或部门,借助制造业常用的分析工具进行调查。未来研究的重点在于服务基础理论和方法论、创新系统中的知识与智力、服务创新产出和绩效的测度、制造业与服务业融合发展环境下的服务创新。 Services innovation theory development accompanied but lagged behind the growth of the servicessector. Services innovation theory experienced three periods roughly since the 1970s, named technical and interac- tive research, critique and improvement, knowledge and innovation system. In the first period, typical theory was re- verse product cycle (RPC) model, in which the specific characteristics were related with information- intensity. New information technology (IT) applications in the services fields initially aimed to improve the efficiency of the back office, and then the IT brought services into the industrial era effectively. Another important concept is the servuc- tion, which is treated as the activities and procedures involved in the relationship maintenance between supplier and customer. Compared with other sectors, the relationship between suppliers and customers in the services industry are often more important. The focus of the second period was about the critique and improvements to the RPC model. People gradually discovered that one hand the services innovation is not based on technology completely ; a lot of innovation and infor- mation technology has nothing to do but realistically change the development of the service industry, and the other hand, even if the IT-based innovation, it does not fully comply with the routines described by RPC model. Service in- novation should be concerned about the four different dimensions of the production and delivery : ( 1 ) service con- cept ; (2) the customer interface ; ( 3 ) service delivery system ; (4) the choice of technology, which was called four- dimensional model of services innovation. The emphasis was put on knowledge and innovation system in the third phase. The point of view of the "sys- tem" draws attention that there were extensive contacts and information flow between agencies during the process of service production and delivery. The most important concept of service innovation systems research is knowledge-in- tensive business services (KIBS). Due to the knowledge provision and innovation activities completed by the KIBS and client companies together, KIBS has developed into an informal second knowledge infrastructure or knowledge base,partially became a supplement and commitment from the more institutionalized, formal knowledge infrastruc- ture department. Services innovation research methods are based on case studies and investigation research, and are usually based on a specific industry or sector, with the analytical tools used by manufacturing sector. However, the research method in the field of services innovation at least has following questions : ( 1 ) Survey tools for services innovation in origin are from investigation tool used by manufacturing innovation, so it may be ignored significant characteristics of service innovation, and underestimated the impact of differences; (2) the current indicators may not really reveal the relevant point of difference, such as the degree of interaction, the role of delivery innovation, regulatory back- ground, the intangibility of service products, intellectual property situation, and so on. In short, the tertiarization of innovation surveys is more about the range of survey samples, but not about the reevaluation of their content. The focus of the services innovation research should cover the following four aspects at least in the future: (1) the concepts, classifications and methodological issues about services and services industry. How to proceed from the point of view of service output and performance evaluation, and format a certain order, classification andmethodology according to service diversity and heterogeneity, is the basis of all the services research; (2) the role of knowledge or intelligence in service production, innovation, consuming and trading, which cover two elated areas about service innovation systems and knowledge-intensive business services ; (3) the role of ICTs in the services sector development,as well as the reasonableness of services production and innovation process; (4) service en- hancements and service innovation in the manufacturing and service integration development environment.
作者 王朝阳
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期184-191,共8页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 中国社会科学院财经战略研究院青年基金项目"服务创新的理论演进 方法及前瞻"的阶段性成果之一
关键词 服务创新 信息通信技术 知识密集型服务业 创新系统 services innovation information and communication technology KIBS innovation system
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