

CBAM and Its Significance for Kindergarten Curriculum Adoption in China
摘要 “关注为本采用模式”从关注阶段、使用水平和革新形态三个维度分析与评估课程改革参与者的参与程度,强调整体性的发展性评价、参与式评价并关心改革实施者。它对我国幼儿园课程采用具有一定启示意义。 CBAM (Concerns-Based Adoption Model) analyzes and evaluates how much curriculum reform implementers are involved from three perspectives: stages of concerns, levels of use and innovation configurations. CBAM emphasizes the developmental evaluation and participatory appraisal, and cares about the reform implementers. The significance CBAM produces for kindergarten curriculum adoption in China should not be ignored.
作者 张世义
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2012年第10期9-13,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
关键词 关注为本采用模式 幼儿园课程采用 启示 CBAM kindergarten cumculum adoption significance
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