
β-谷甾醇对脂质体抗氧化性及膜结构稳定性的影响 被引量:4

Effect of β-sitosterol on antioxidation and stability of liposomes
摘要 以旋转蒸发-超声法制备脂质体,比较了以β-谷甾醇为助膜材料的脂质体(PC/Sito脂质体)、以胆固醇为助膜材料的脂质体(PC/Chol脂质体)和不加助膜材料的脂质体(PC脂质体)在抵抗超声作用、AAPH(2,2-偶氮二(2-甲基丙基咪)二盐酸盐)引发的氧化作用、紫外线引发的氧化作用过程中的区别。结果表明:相比PC脂质体,PC/Sito脂质体和PC/Chol脂质体具有明显抵抗超声作用和推迟由AAPH引发的脂质体氧化反应发生的作用,并能有效维持脂质体在超声和氧化过程中脂质体的稳定性;在维持脂质体稳定性的效果上,β-谷甾醇优于胆固醇;在抵抗紫外线引发的脂质体氧化的过程中,3种脂质体未表现出明显区别。 Liposomes were prepared by conventional rotary evaporation - sonication method from lecithin with β- sitosterol or cholsterol or nothing, forming three different liposome systems, such as PC/Sito lipo- somes, PC/Chol liposomes and PC liposomes. The effects of ultrasonic, AAPH and ultraviolet radiation on each liposomes were evaluated. The results indicated that the PC/Sito liposomes and PC/Chol liposomes could stand against ultrasonic and delay oxidation induced by AAPH compared with PC liposomes. Fur- thermore ,β- sitosterol and cholesterol could maintain the stability of the liposomes through ultrasonic and oxidation induced by AAPH, and β-sitosterol was more effective. There was no obviously difference a- mong the three systems in the oxidation induced by ultraviolet radiation.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期57-61,共5页 China Oils and Fats
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31130042 20976036) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD37B00) 广东省科技计划项目(2010B031700014 2010B050600003)
关键词 脂质体 Β-谷甾醇 AAPH 紫外线 旋转蒸发-超声法 liposomes β-sitosterol AAPH ultraviolet radiation rotary evaporation - sonication method
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