
跨学科研究的灯塔——博尔丁奖述评 被引量:3

Guide of interdisciplinary research: the Boulding Award
摘要 许多科学奖项的设立是为了表彰在某个学科领域做出突出贡献的科学家,而博尔丁奖的颁发则不分学科,不论领域,旨在表彰对跨学科研究做出杰出贡献的学者,推动跨学科教育和跨学科研究的发展。该奖自1990年设立以来,迄今共有六位学者获奖,他们分别在科学研究、教育理念、教师发展、跨学科理论、公共服务等领域做出了有益的尝试和杰出的贡献。总结历届获奖者的学术观点和研究成果,探讨博尔丁奖对跨学科研究的影响,对我国的跨学科研究理论探索与实践发展都有重要意义。 Compared with other award endowing to distinguished scholars in certain disciplines.The Boulding Award was established by the As- sociation for Integrative Studies aiming at encouraging excellent scholars focusing on interdisciplinary research and teaching. Six American scholars, whose academic contributions were respectively distributed in academic research, the educational philosophy, faculty development, in- terdisciplinarity and public service, have shared the highest--level award on interdisciplinary studies since its establishment in 1990. The article attempts to introduce election of the award and the achievements of winners, and then to elaborate the insignificance of the award on China inter- disciplinary studies.
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期105-110,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(09YJAZH097) 教育部高等学校博士学科点基金项目(20103402110065)
关键词 博尔丁奖 跨学科研究 AIS Boulding Award Interdisciplinary Studies AIS
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