
大学生导游职业认知形成及其改善 被引量:10

Study on the Formation and Improvement of the Cognition of a Tour Guide's Career among College Students
摘要 导游职业认知是了解导游行业职业运行现状与走向的重要方面。文章借鉴心理学的最新研究成果"社会认知职业理论"(social cognitive career theory,SCCT),以在校大学生这一导游职业特殊的从业群体为研究对象,以相关调查数据为基础,根据SCCT模型建构了三种子模式,从职业兴趣、职业选择模式及工作绩效评价三个方面入手,在子模式下对相关数据进行分析与整合,得到多样化的职业认知差异形成因素,并认为这一认知分析存在发展与改善的可能,可以成为学科专业及人才培养和教育的重要参考。最后提出了相关的对策。 The professional cognition of a tour guide is an important aspect to understand the present state of this profession and future orientation. The paper, with the help of " social cognitive career theory", the latest study result of psychology, taking undergraduates, the special employment groups as study object, makes an analysis and readjustment of relevant data in accordance with three patterns based on SCCT model--career interest, career choice pattern and evaluation of work performance, thus obtaining the forming element of diversified career cognitive differences. The paper believes there exists the possibility of developing and improving this cognitive analysis, which can be important reference for the cultivation of professional talents and improvement of discipline speciality. In the end, relevant countermeaures are put forward.
作者 宋一兵
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第10期73-77,共5页 Tourism Tribune
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金(09YJC790100) 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目(WYM08065)资助~~
关键词 社会认知职业理论 导游职业认知 大学生 改善 social cognitive career theory professional cognition of a tour guide college student improvement
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