目的探讨320排CTDSA(计算机断层扫描数字血管减影造影术)技术在脑血管病变中的应用价值。方法利用320排CT对90例疑似脑血管病例进行头颅动态容积增强扫描。结果所有病例均获取良好的平扫容积图像、动态CTA图像及全脑灌注图像。90例中发现病变75例,包括动脉狭窄或闭塞15例,动脉瘤40例;脑膜瘤4例;三叉神经鞘瘤2例;动静脉畸形(AVM)10例;静脉窦血栓4例;正常的15例。结论 320排CTDSA技术对脑血管病变的诊断及随访具有极高的临床价值。
Objective To explore the application value of 320-slice CTDSA technique in cerebral vascular disease. Method Ninety patients who suspected with cerebral vascular disease were examined for head dynamic volume increase scanning with 320-slice CT. Results All the cases received good scanning volume images, dynamic CTA images and whole-brain perfusion images. In 90 cases, the lesions were revealed in 70 cases, including arterial stenosis or occlusion in 15 cases, aneurysm in 40 cases, meningioma in 4 cases, trigeminal schwannoma in 2 cases, arteriovenous malformations(AVM) in 10 cases; venous sinus thrombosis in 4 cases and normal in 15 cases. Conclusion 320-slice C3~DSA technology has high clinical value on cerebrovascular disease diagnosis and follow-up.
China Medical Devices