

Review of current researches on internet addiction
摘要 网络成瘾(IA)虽然是近年来新出现的一个疾病概念,但由于其可导致包括各种身心健康损害、社会职能弱化等多方面的严重后果,因此受到社会的广泛关注。IA在世界范围内普遍存在,对IA进行有效的预防和干预具有重要意义。尽管目前对IA的定义和界定仍存在争议,但越来越多的包括神经生物学、遗传学、临床表现等多方面的研究均提示IA可能具有与物质成瘾类似的机制,是以病理性赌博为代表的行为成瘾类疾患的一种。由于对IA机制的研究仍处在初期阶段,更多更可靠的研究、尤其是神经生物学机制方面的研究,仍是当前这一领域最主要的任务。 Internet addiction(IA) is a mental illness emerged in recent years with increasing use of computer and internet. The serious consequences such as mental and physical illness and social function im- pairment caused by IA have attracted extensive attention of the whole society. IA affects human beings at a high prevalence all over the world which has highlighted the importance of prevention and treatment of IA. Although there is still debate about definition of IA, increasing evidences including the result from genetic research, neurobiology study and clinical manifestation show that IA may share the same mechanisms with substance addiction, and be probably classified as behavioral addiction which is represented by pathological gambling. However, since the study on IA is yet on the initial stage and neurobiological research on IA is still limited, more reliable investigations especially neurobiological research remains uppermost in this area.
出处 《国际放射医学核医学杂志》 2012年第5期280-288,共9页 International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine
关键词 因特网 行为 成瘾 行为和行为机制 Internet Behavior, addictive Prevalence Behavior and behavior mechanisms
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