南江峡谷公园物种多样 ,植被保存较完好 ,这里的药用植物资源很丰富 ,不仅种类多 ,且多具经济和科研用途。由于南江峡谷为典型的喀斯特地貌 ,这里的中草药也多具有喀斯特植被的典型特征。在南江峡谷主要游览区 ,即河道两侧 ,经初步调查 ,所采集标本大多数属于植物药 ,可分为 96科 ,177属 ,2 2 5种。
Nanjiang gorge is situated in the middle of Guizhou Province.Owing of its particular geographical location and favorable ecological environment,it is rich in resources of traditional Chinese herbal medicines which have the following three features:species rich;well preserved traditional Chinese herbal medicines with economical use and values for scientific research;most of the herbal drugs grow on rocks. The preliminary studies showed that most of them belong tp plants and can be classified into 96 families,177 genera and 225 species (including subspecies and variations) but a few specimens remain to be identified in the future.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences