
中值直方图均衡的单帧红外图像非均匀校正算法 被引量:10

Non-uniformity correction algorithm based on midway histogram equalization in single infrared image
摘要 为了实现红外图像的自适应校正,利用红外焦平面的非均匀性成列分布的特性,提出了一种针对红外图像进行非均匀校正的新方法。新算法统计图像每列的直方图,对列局部的直方图进行排序,得到局部直方图的中值,然后对中值直方图进行均衡,通过均衡直方图灰度映射得到校正后的图像。算法实现不需要任何运动补偿或累加计算,在单帧图像内完成非均匀校正。实际应用证明,与同类自适应校正算法相比,该算法具有校正精度高、速度快、抑制目标退化能力强的优点。 In order to realize infrared image adaptive correction,using column non-uniformity characteristics of infrared focal plane,a new method was introduced to correct the non-uniformity(NU) in infrared images.The new algorithm calculated the histogram of the column,sorting out the local histogram,getting local histogram of each image column,and completing non-uniformity correction using the histogram equalization.The algorith does not require any motion compensation or cumulative calculation done within a single frame image non-uniformity correction.According to the practical application,this algorithm has the advantage of the strong ability to eliminate image degradation,fast convergence speed and high precision.
出处 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期2550-2553,共4页 Infrared and Laser Engineering
关键词 中值直方图均衡算法 单帧红外图像 非均匀校正 红外焦平面 midway histogram equalization single infrared image non-uniformity correction infrared focal plane arrays
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