
光伏制氢系统电力变换器研究 被引量:2

Research on Power Converter for Solar-Hydrogen Electrolysis System
摘要 提出了以光伏作为主要能源,以分布式方式进行氢气制备的系统架构,设计了连接光伏电池板的双相降压数字电力变换器模块,将光伏输出进行电平与功率的匹配供给氢电解槽使用。系统采用了dsPIC33F数字信号控制器实现变换器模块的电流模式控制与光伏最大功率追踪,实验结果表明,光伏制氢系统的电力变换器的性能达到了预期的效果。 This paper proposed the hydrogen electrolysis system supplied by distributed solar panels and designed the solar-interlaced dual-phase step-down power converter with digital control, which provided voltage matching and maximum power transfer for the electrolyzer stack. The digital signal controller dsPIC33F was used to implement the current mode control of power converter module and maximum solar power transfer. The experimental results show satisfactory performance and indicate the feasibility of the proposed design.
出处 《电工电气》 2012年第10期8-10,20,共4页 Electrotechnics Electric
关键词 氢气 太阳能 电力变换器 数字控制 hydrogen solar energy power converter digital control
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