
油田企业科技项目外部协作的思考 被引量:2

On the External Coordination on Technological Projects of Oil Companies
摘要 油田企业科技项目外部协作可以有效利用油田企业的外部科技资源,推动油田科技进步和科技队伍素质的提高,促进科技成果水平上台阶和科技人才的成长,增强油田企业自主创新能力。外协工作必须杜绝单纯花钱买成果、不联系具体生产实际、知识产权不明、转包外协工作和外协没有实际内容等问题。开展外协工作,必须做好外协的调研工作、加强外协论证工作、强化合同约束、提高外协科技攻关水平、重视知识产权技术的开发、强化外协过程的监督、加强外协的总结考核工作和建立外协工作机制。 The external coordination on technological projects of oil companies can facilitate the use of external technological resources,prompt the scientific progress and workers’ skill improvement in oil field and enhance oil companies’ indigenous ingenuity.When cooperating with the third party,some issues should be noticed: don’t just buy results,don’t neglect real practices in production,clarify intellectual property rights and cut out all the redundant links in outsourcing work.A good cooperation with the third party can only be guaranteed by meticulous research,sound argument,strong contract binding,sophisticated problem solving ability,focused development of intellectual property rights techniques,rigid supervision and a mature evaluation institution.
作者 姚效玉
出处 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2012年第4期98-100,共3页 Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers
关键词 油田企业 科技项目 外部协作 措施 Oil Companies Technological Projects External Cooperation Measures
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