介绍了变频调速恒压供水系统的构成与功能 ,简述了主控制器、变频器的工作原理及水泵组的轮换调度策略。本装置对水压的调控采用数字PID算法 ,既提高了系统的响应速度 ,又避免产生过大的超调和振荡。最后介绍了主控制器的软件构成和装置所采取的抗干扰措施。
This article introduces the structure and functions of a stable-pressure water-supplying system that uses frequency inverter as the motor-speed controller. The switching policy and emergency-coping policy are given. By applying the digital PID algorithm, the device has a quality of quicker response and lower super-adjustment. In the end, the software scheme of the main controller and the interference-eliminating methods are proposed.
Henan Science