

The Renovation and Reinforcement:New Development of the US-ROK Alliance
摘要 1953年10月美韩同盟建立至今,两国关系起伏不断,曲折发展。2008年李明博上台后,美韩关系进入"修复"期,2010年3月的"天安号事件"和11月的延坪岛炮击事件为两国关系注入了"固化剂"。美韩同盟的强化是多重因素综合作用的结果,其中既有中国崛起的宏观背景,也与美韩两国出于国家利益的战略选择密切相关,突发事件成为美韩同盟强化的直接动因。美韩同盟关系的新发展对中国东北亚安全利益产生了一些不利影响,如何应对当前的被动局面,有效化解中国与周边国家的矛盾,事关中国和平发展的大局,值得我们认真思考。 Prom the establishment of US - ROK alliance in October, 1953 to now, the bilateral relations have experienced tortuous development. After Lee Myung- bak came to power in 2008, US - ROK relations have entered a period of "renovation". The Cheonan Incident in March, 2010 and Yin Ping Island shelling inci- dent in November, 2010 had injected "curing agent" into bilateral relations. The strengthening of the US- ROK alliance is the combined result of multiple factors, including the macro background of China' s rise, the strategic choice that was out of the national interests of two countries, and emergencies as the direct reason for the strengthening of US - ROK alliance. The new development of the US - ROK alliance has produced some ad- verse effects to security interests of China in Northeast Asia. It is worthy of our careful pondering how to cope with the current passive situation, effectively resolve the contradictions between China and its neighboring coun- tries, which relates to the overall situation of China's peaceful development.
作者 刘勃然
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期48-51,共4页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 美韩同盟关系 修复 强化 动因 影响 US-ROK Alliance renovation reinforcement reason affect
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